Delivery | Idylika

Nepremeškajte našu akciu a zásobte sa JESENNÝM COMBO SETOM! Chutné sirupy nielen do kávy nesmú chýbať vo vašej kuchyni.  Super cena len do 31.10.2024.

Nakupovať :)

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You can have your order delivered

  • By DPD courier to any address in Slovakia
    Shipping cost depending on weight is:
    4,50 € for shipment to 3 kg
    4,80 € for shipment to 5 kg
    4,90 € for shipment to 10 kg
    5,30 € for shipment to 20 kg
    6,00 € for shipment to 31 kg


  • to the delivery point of Z point Packet in Slovakia
    Shipping cost depending on weight is:
    3,00 € for shipment to 5 kg
    4,80 € for shipment over 5 kg


  • or we will hand over it to you in person at the coffee roaster Idylika in Martin
    You can find us in Martin between Turčiansks galéria and Česka hospoda
    at the address: ul. 29. augusta 1, 036 01 Martin.

    You can make a personal collection
    Monday-Friday: 8:00 - 18:00
    Saturday: 9:00 - 13:00
    Personal collection is free
    You can park in the nearby OC Galéria Martin (3 hours free) or in the paid parking lot on Námestie SNP - in front of the Social Insurance Building.