Would you like to taste something healthy with a unique flavor? The best choice is flavored nuts, which combine roasted nuts with spices like chili or lime. We offer you the best combinations as well as classics. Suitable for all health-conscious enthusiasts - delicious, nutritious, and colorful!
Additionally, we offer you a sweet harmony in one bite - crunchy nuts and dried fruit in delightful chocolate. No matter how demanding you are, Mirkin's delights will not disappoint you.
Chrumkavé mandle s prirodzenou sladkosťou. Bez lepku a s bohatou chuťou. 250g
Sladké leto v každom kúsku, mrazom sušené broskyne. 50g
Klenot čínskej tradičnej medicíny - goji alebo kustovnica čínska. 250g
Sladká a aromatická pochúťka, mandle v mliečnej čokoláde. 120 g
Chrumkavé potešenie s jahodami, mandle v bielej čokoláde. 120 g